Thursday, May 28, 2009

Weekend at Home!

Happy 21st Birthday Hayley! This picture was taken after 5 drinks and we were making fun of her lazy eye she gets after drinking. We had a great time at the Cheesecake Factory and she was amazingly surprised after planning the party for two months. I was happy that all of her friends showed up and it was drama free. She received many gifts including: a set of books, picture frame with her playing the guitar and her first cd, coffee mugs with coffee, chocolate and clothes. She started working as a CNA at a nursing home to make extra money for her move to Nashville to become a singer/songwriter. We are all cheering her on. Go Hay!

We had a going away BBQ for everyone on Monday. The first thing Michael did was get out of the car and head straight to the swings. He hasn't swung on swings for about 15 years. I think he had the most fun out of us and was there the whole day. The BBQ food included barbecued oysters, prime rib, and fried clams.

This was the first weekend, we were able to meet our niece and nephew. Shay has been dating Dawn for about a year and she has two kids, Karissa and Logan. We had so much fun with them we didn't want to let them go. They had never been to see the ocean so one of the days we were able to take them. At the beach, we went on the slick track with go-karts. We had a blast and the kids had so much fun. Corey and I spoiled them rotten with games, ice cream and laughter.

Karissa and I on the double slick track karts!

Karissa and Logan enjoying the shops!


Jamie and Scott said...

good for you sister! hope she does well! looks like you had a great time at home! when you coming to california again?

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

What cute kiddos! Tell your sister we will be cheering for her!