Monday, February 23, 2009

Fugitives on the run!

The funny thing is, I hated those bushes in front of the fence!

This mornings damage!

Last night I couldn't sleep, so I was watching Runaway Bride in the living room. At 1230AM I hear this screech of brakes and a crash, I look out and our fence is gone and there is a Explorer in my yard. I yell for Corey, who is in a dead sleep, he runs out to the yard to find the car abandoned. I call 911 and the cops show up immediately. This fiasco lasted until 3AM, waiting for a tow truck and finding the drunkin fugitives. So now we wait for the police report and our land lord to build a new fence so our dogs can stay in the backyard. Just our luck!!!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Wow! That is really scary! Good thing the fence stopped them! Glad you are all okay!

jen3 said...

that's crazy!! I'm happy to know you guys are all okay!