Thursday, February 19, 2009

Finally a Diagnosis!

I'm not sure if any of you know that I've been battling a bug for over two years and finally after my extensive physical, found out what has been causing my symptoms. I have the Ebstein Barr Virus, mono virus, that never goes away and mimicks the symptoms of mono whenever I'm stressed or my immune system is down. For the past two years, I will sleep 18+ hours a day and still feel exhausted. I thought I was tired because I worked night shift and my system was screwed up so I switched to day shift about a month ago and my symptoms were still bad. My lab results showed my antibodies were over 10,000 when the normal number is less than 100. So I can never really get rid of the virus but am seeing a specialist that is doing microcurrent. Your body’s cells utilize certain Microcurrent frequencies to increase energy production. Microcurrent changes the muscle tissue to increase cellular metabolism and remove long-stored waste products (detoxification). So in a sense, we are hoping to put the virus in a dormant stage. Now I have to go weekly for 45minute therapy sessions and have started taking an abundance of vitamins to help increase my energy level. Hopefully after two months of treatments, I can have my life back!!! Wish me luck!


jen3 said...

Wow lyns that sounds pretty serious! Take good care of yourself, and i hope you start feeling energetic soon:)

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Well I bet you feel better just knowing what is wrong! Hopefully, the treatment will work quickly!

Lacey said...

hope you feel better soon!