Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's Snowing!

I am so excited it has finally snowed!!! The weather has been very warm lately, so I am ecstatic so I can finally go snowboarding. The doggies love the snow and I can never get them to stop playing. I have one more final on Tuesday, then I am free for a month to relax. I am also happy since my Husband is finally moving down here on Saturday and starting his new job on Monday!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Back Home!

I went home this last weekend for my Health Policy class project. I wrote a position paper on Access to Healthcare for Native Americans and my group chose my paper to write an continued analysis on the topic. So I went home to video tape and interview the Chehalis Indian and Quinault Indian Reservations. I had a great time and I got to see my husband and family which was a bonus. School is winding down for the semester and finals are in two weeks, then I have a month off, woo hoo!!! I can't wait to go home for Christmas and see my relatives.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

View from the top of the mountain during our hike!

Addison and Paige enjoying the water and rest from the hike!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Boulder Hike

Corey and I finally got to visit Boulder Colorado. It was a gorgeous day and a great day to hike with the dogs. We met many people and dogs on our hike. I would say Corey and I were struggling with the hike due to the elevation, hopefully soon we will adapt to the elevation. I can't wait to go back and adventure to different hikes.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Addison's Surgery

Our red golden retriever came through surgery beautifully. I couldn't believe the incision, it was huge. Addie had to wear those cones to protect her from scratching and chewing her incision. It was so funny to watch her move and she kept running into things. We will find out next week what the results of the biopsy are and if she is cancer free. So wish us luck!!!