Thursday, November 20, 2008

Back Home!

I went home this last weekend for my Health Policy class project. I wrote a position paper on Access to Healthcare for Native Americans and my group chose my paper to write an continued analysis on the topic. So I went home to video tape and interview the Chehalis Indian and Quinault Indian Reservations. I had a great time and I got to see my husband and family which was a bonus. School is winding down for the semester and finals are in two weeks, then I have a month off, woo hoo!!! I can't wait to go home for Christmas and see my relatives.


Jamie and Scott said...

glad to hear that school is going well....i know im excited about christmas too! put more pictures of colorado up so i can see what its like! miss ya!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Thats great that you got to go back home! I agree with Jamie, we need to see more pics of Colorado!!

jen3 said...

Glad to hear you'll be getting a well deserved break from school. Enjoy the holidays with your folks!