Monday, September 15, 2008

Addison's Surgery

Our red golden retriever came through surgery beautifully. I couldn't believe the incision, it was huge. Addie had to wear those cones to protect her from scratching and chewing her incision. It was so funny to watch her move and she kept running into things. We will find out next week what the results of the biopsy are and if she is cancer free. So wish us luck!!!


Jamie and Scott said...

Hope everything goes well.. sorry i think I am a contributor to your blog now. take me off if you can. i thought i was just signing in. sorry! im trying to figure out how to fix it.

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Good luck!

Lacey said...

hope that all is well! good to seeya in the blogging world!

jen3 said...

happy to hear surgery went well. Our dog needs surgery too... let you know how it goes!! Take care