Friday, April 8, 2011

Whole lot of new changes!!!!

I can't believe it's been forever since I posted anything and life has completely flown by. I will try and catch you all up to speed. I moved back to Washington at the end of August and moved in with Chris. I studied for 2 1/2 months before taking my boards for nurse practitioner. I was actively looking for a nurse practitioner job anymore and was very unsuccessful. I took my exam on October 26th and PASSED!!!!!! I then became very stressed and anxious to find a job due to the fact that my renter stopped paying rent in August.

The month of November was very stressful!!! I finally had to take an ICU job in Olympia to pay the bills and have health insurance. I had to hire a lawyer and it took 2 months through the court system to finally evict my tenant. On December 23rd, sheriffs finally evicted my tenant and the drama began. I walked through my home that was brand new in 2007 to a disaster. My tenant scratched the heck out of new hardwood floors, holes all over the walls, dirt and animal urine all over the place, etc.... She also drove her car into the yard leaving tire marks and tearing up the yard. The yard was already very wet from the downpour of rain but it seemed extremely soggy and flooded. We turned off the water from the inside and the water meter continued to spin. We called the water company and they turned off the water and come to find out she broke a water line when she drove in the yard. So Chris and my dad dug up the whole yard and repaired the broken pipes. I was in hysterics due to all the money I had already lost and all the money that was going into fixing the place up. The house is finally repaired and on the market to sell.

In January my lucked turned around!!! I found my dream job in my hometown, who would have thought. I am working for an internal DO that specializes in cardiology. We do dobutamine stress echo, stress tests and vascular imaging in the office. I also have privledges at the hospital to round on my patients and see patients in the clinic. It is awesome and I'm having a wonderful time. It's such a huge learning curve going from treating the diagnosis to finding the cause of the problem.

Chris and I are doing wonderful and the engagement ring is on order!!!! I am so excited that I finally found the man of my dreams. We leave for Hawaii next week because Chris is in a wedding and we finally need a vacation. So I'm thinking he will propose there!!! I'm so excited!!!

I hope this was a short synopsis of the last 7 months!!! I'll keep you posted.


Unknown said...

wow lyns! congrats! glad things are turning around for ya! have fun in hawaii!! love,lacey

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Have a great time in Hawaii! Glad things are on the upswing! Keep us posted!!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Hey Lyns! I dont know how else to contact you since the only email address I have for you is humboldt! LOL Jamie, Lacey, and I were just talking about you this weekend and hoping that you are doing well! Are you on facebook? we looked but couldnt find you. Hope everything is well! hope to hear from you soon!