Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life after Divorce!

Hey everyone!!! I know it's been almost a year since I last posted. But I went through a divorce this past year, almost done with school, and so ready to be done. The divorce was the hardest decision I've ever had to make but I think it saved my life. I was so unhappy for so long and now I am very lucky to have met someone that I really love. The weird thing is I met him in Colorado but he is from my neighboring home town. I never knew what true love was until I met Chris and can't wait to spend a lifetime with him.

I graduate May 28th!!! Woohoo, thank goodness because I have senioritis really bad. My future plans are to move back to Washington August 1st. Take a review course for boards in Texas and fly to Cancun August 15th for a week!!!! My ultimate dream job is to work in cardiac pulmonary acute care clinic and round in the hospital. I don't have a definative job set up since my boyfriend will not live in Seattle but we are planning to move to Olympia.