Thursday, January 29, 2009

Adventure Continues!

Corey's brother Chris, my brother Shay, Corey and I all had a great time boarding. We call Chris the dare devil since he almost killed himself everyday boarding, but I guess that what you get for being a pilot for the Air Force. Shay wacked his back on Thursday and was out of boarding the rest of the trip. Thank goodness Corey and I invested in helmets this year since we were not lucky at going over jumps when it was icy. Our days ended at going to the Rocky Mtn. Chocolate Factory and getting caramel apples. Corey, Shay and I got to finally see Slumdog Millionaire at the cinemas. Wow, what an incredible movie. I highly recommend seeing it. Then our trip ended being stuck on our plane at the S.F. airport for two hours waiting for the mechanics to fix a fan. We finally arrived in Denver at 2AM and our doggies were grateful to have us home. We can't wait to go again hopefully next year!

Tahoe Adventure!

We finally went back to South Lake Tahoe at Heavenly Resort. We had such a great time. We stayed at Tahoe Seasons Resort right next to the California Gondola which was great for snowboarding but not fun to take a taxi to the village. Heavenly finally got snow on Wednesday and it was much needed since the previous days were boarding on ice.